The time to promote your film has come, and you are blank. You don’t know what to do or how to do it, so what do you do? You push the promote button in your publications on Facebook or Instagram.
No, this is not the way to go!
Here, I share what you need to do when running a Facebook/Instagram paid campaign.
Of course, when working together, I not only explain how to do your Ads; we also create a marketing plan that will let you know how much money you will spend on your film when you decide to work with me. Here are some tips to run your ads more effectively.
One thing you need to understand is that Facebook will always try to convince you to spend more money; it’s never enough when it comes to marketing and advertising. But as any other company, in this case, film, you have a budget to stick to and you can’t spend more. Here are my thoughts on running an online campaign.
1. Are you having interaction with your post/s? If yes, how many shares, likes, and comments? This means you need to take a look at your analytics while promoting your film, and paying for ads analytics are your best friends.
2. Instead of focusing on impressions, it is better to run your campaign by clicks; this way, you are charged for the people visiting your website or link. This is really people clicking on your ad going into your website.
3. When starting a new Ad campaign on Facebook, do it from your Facebook Business page. The promote button does not perform. Facebook makes it a little bit more complicated than just a promotion button for professional Ad masters; you need to open a business account where you can run a ton of ads at the same time for different projects.
4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is more expensive but more effective. You want to save money, but when creating an ad, you need to choose wisely. Paying for clicks is better because these are people who visit your website, which means they interact with your film.
5. Create and run separate campaigns for Instagram and Facebook because audiences and data work differently on both platforms. A post on Instagram works differently than on Facebook, and this is why you need to create different posts for both platforms. Remember that Instagram is for a younger generation than Facebook.
If time is ticking and you need a marketing solution for your film, this is an excellent opportunity to collaborate.
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