Film Producer
Film Distribution and Marketing Consultant

Hi! My name is Rosa; I help filmmakers and film producers fund, sell, market, and distribute their films from beginning to end

I am a film producer who applies my 16 years of experience in distribution and marketing to the films I work on from the beginning of production.

I help filmmakers and film producers generate money from their films to make more films.  

You already have the talent; let’s profit from your films. 

International Film Network

A community where internationals and locals can meet, collaborate, network, and make films together. We have online events every month and, every three or so months, in-person events in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Filmpreneurship Network

A Year-Round Membership Program with a six-month commitment. In it, you will learn the business side of filmmaking. You will focus your energy on finance, marketing, and selling your film in a fun and doable way.

Lights, Camera, and Market

A service done for you where strategies, funding, marketing, and film distribution are taken care for you. You just need to enjoy the ride of making a film.

Listen to my podcast Life & Business where we talk about life, business, money, and how these elements are intertwined in the everyday life. Come and join the conversation. 

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