I sucked at selling when I started my entrepreneurial adventure.
When I moved to Spain, I thought finding a job in the film industry would be easy. I had this amazing career. I had already worked with blockbusters and great talent; any film business would be lucky to have me.
Boy! I was wrong.
They weren’t interested, so the only options were to quit the film industry or find a way to get in again.
I choose the second option.
I decided to open my own “business,” but opening a business meant a learning curve no one told me I would face.
One of them is selling.
I sucked at selling; I worked for free many times, thinking they would hire me and pay me money if they saw my work. Of course, this never happened!
I was so tired of not selling that I hired a sales coach who helped me understand what I needed to do to make money.
It was super uncomfortable because you and I know what selling means, and I didn’t want to bother other people with my things.
However, I wanted to reach milestones, so I hired this sales coach to teach me how to get there.
I overcame writing and talking to strangers.
I started mentioning my prices.
I followed up.
I closed deals.
Within 6 months of this investment, I reached 50k in my business, then 100k, and then you get the picture without counting the many deals I closed for the films I worked on.
I know you are not born with selling and marketing skills; you learn them even when you are not passionate about them.
This is when you see the bigger picture, and these skills will help you get closer to your dreams and goals.
This could be you!
This is you in 6 months!
This is exactly what you’ll achieve when joining the Filmpreneurship Network.
This is a community where you will learn these skills, grow professionally, feel less alone, and be supported every step of the way.
The link to join is here.
Do you have questions? Send me a PM.
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