As a creative filmmaker, you believe your job is to create non-stop because that’s your jam; that’s what makes you happy, but the truth is that creativity and filmmaking are more than that.
I know no one talks about the before-and-after of producing a film and the process behind taking a movie to the big screen. It’s not your fault you don’t know, but it’s your duty to inform you and make things happen.
Learning how to package, sell, and negotiate your film; no one will do it for you, especially in these times, when the market is saturated and making films and content has become “easier” and more approachable; this means more movies and very little opportunities to make money with it.
Let me ask you: Do you think those films you watch on the screen got there just because they were creative enough? Or do you think the people behind it knew the business side of films? I vote for the second option, and I am 100% sure that the people who made those films were ready to negotiate and sell.
I am telling you the film industry is not for the weak, especially the business side.
If you want to live from your filmmaking craft, you need structure, order, and a strategy that fits all the puzzle pieces together. You either learn it yourself, or you are surrounded by the right people who can guide you, but you can’t be the exception.
Creativity and filmmaking are one thing, but funding, distribution, and marketing are the pillars that support a great audiovisual project; a film can’t exist without strategies.
Trust me, you can learn these things; you just need a push and motivation to make it happen. This is where you and I team up to create a beautiful plan and action plan to take your film to the next level. Either you want me to teach you, or you want me to be on your side and help you to do everything your film needs.
Now that you know why you need a strategy. Would you prefer to stay where you are right now, confused and not knowing what to do, or make a boss decision and try to lift your film business altogether?
Leave a comment below if you choose the second option.